
BBB centre d'art

Since 1993, the BBB art centre has been supporting contemporary artists in the visual arts. The production and promotion of works, in addition to the ways in which they are presented to professionals and amateurs alike, remain at the heart of the day-to-day activities, ambition and the long-term goals of our profession. Plurality and singularity of forms, medium and narratives...

Housed in a former electrical coil manufacturing workshop in the north of Toulouse, the BBB art centre is both a space dedicated to artistic creation and a platform which provides artists with resources, including professional training and support programmes. Since its creation, the BBB’s commitment to contemporary art is conveyed through its sharing of ideas on art and society and its local work with a demographically diverse audience.

The BBB runs a biennial “research/arts outreach” residency programme. Residents have the opportunity to develop their project in the following settings:
- a hospital (thanks to a partnership with a non-profit hospital in Toulouse)
- a prison 
- a public space
This programme tends to alter the ways in which the artist, art centre and on site partners collaborate, all of whom are responsible for the project.


Residency Art – Territory, 2020 © BBB art centre 

International art residency programme (cultural institutional partnerships - Italy, Spain, Canada...)

Artistic research residency programme which takes place in academic settings. The BBB art centre sets up residencies in several secondary schools and sixth forms in Toulouse. Artists who choose to spend time in an academic setting are able to pursue their practice whilst also allowing students to discover the “behind-the-scenes” of an artist's practice.

Artists wishing to participate in these programmes are required to present a unique project. 


- a workspace and an apartment
- artists are paid during the residency and receive funding to cover copyright royalties and production costs
- reimbursement of travel and food expenses 
- technical and logistical support
- professional networking opportunities
- an exhibition, publication and any other form of presentation defined by the very nature of the project


Depending on the programme, residencies range from 2 to 6 months. Residents may be permitted to commute between their home and the residency. All residencies are subject to the procurement of grants and dedicated funding.


Depending on the programme, a call for projects is published and shared amongst professional contemporary art networks. 
Applicants are required to provide the following:
- a cover letter or any type of document which presents the outlines of a project
- an online portfolio or CV

Direct invitations are also issued to artists.


At the end of the residency, residents agree to present any work they have produced, whether it be permanent or ephemeral. This may take the form of an exhibition, event and/or any other type of presentation.


BBB’s visitor experience team support residency projects through an educational programme which is geared towards new forms of partnerships between artists, producers, art educators, visitors and local players, as well as the specific contexts in which they work, including public spaces and educational, medical and custodial settings.

Contact us

BBB centre d’art conventionné
96, rue Michel-Ange
F-31200 Toulouse
T : +33(0)3 35 61 13 37 14